Thursday, September 29, 2005

taste in art

daniel brought me a provocative essay by paul graham, called 'taste for makers.' you may find this piece stimulating, whether or not you agree with it. so have a look at it online at

and, of course, post your comments *here*.

graham works as a programming-language designer, among other things, so some of his ideas are doubtless stimulated by what he thinks a good *design* is [sc. in a programming language]. but his interests, and his comments in this essay, range very widely -- over sports, architecture, and the arts generally.

you'll see that a number of his points are enumerated in a series of paragraphs beginning 'good design is --- .' you might ask yourself critically whether you agree with each of these; if so, why; and if not, why not.

and then, of course, tell us.

1 comment:

Isla said...

My friend gave me this definition: actions of humans that produce a physical artifact, or sensory effect which, though potentially useful, is not a requisite tool for survival.
Any comments?