here you go: your one-stop, all-purpose blog entry on dan brown's best-selling novel THE DA VINCI CODE.
for those of you who have not yet read it -- indeed, for those who have, as well -- here's the WIKIPEDIA entry on the novel. [note that the article contains plot spoilers, so if you intend to read the book or see the movie, and want to be surprised, now is not yet the time to read the entirety of this wikipedia entry.']
speaking of the internet, i think it's noteworthy that this print-format book has not only a feature film based on it, but also a very significant 'web presence.' there is, for example, an 'official website' for the fictional protagonist robert langdon, and other websites such as thedavincicode.com and seekthecodes.com which [potentially] dramatically increase the interactive nature of the reader's/viewer's experience of the book [and presumably of the film].
rather than say anything more about this phenomenon -- arguably as big a 'splash' in the publishing world as the advent of the novel DRACULA itself -- i'll just open the floor for you. add your comments below! jk